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Molly ward






















Born and raised in Helena, Montana, Molly graduated with a BA in Political Science from the University of Notre Dame where she minored in "Science, Technology, and Values." This was an ethics-based minor and it was through many of those classes that she began to take an interest in social justice and how the human family relates to each other. 


While attending law school at Notre Dame, Molly worked one summer for a non-profit based in Helena, Montana called People's Law Center. Their goal was to help disabled individuals throughout the state of Montana obtain Social Security Disability benefits. Molly absolutely loved this work. After law school, she pursued disability law at Nash Disability Law in Chicago. While she loved living in Chicago, Molly was thrilled when given the opportunity to return to Montana and work as the Billings attorney for the People's Law Center in 2009.


In 2011, Molly married her college sweetheart, Roland Newrones, and settled in Billings. She continued to work with People's Law until that organization closed. In 2016, she started her own firm, Molly Ward Disability Law. She continues to focus on obtaining disability benefits for mentally and physically disabled individuals across Eastern Montana. 


"Many of my clients are or have been homeless, so it is an issue near and dear to my heart. I believe strongly in "housing first" and I hope that our community can come together and end homelessness in Billings" 

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