our Success stories
Meet Willie
After spending five decades in prison for a violent crime, Willie was released with no real possessions and no real plan for his future. At 80, he ended up sleeping in door frames or under bridges, worried about his safety. That’s when Off the Streets found him and took him in. Watch this story and learn how he's now enjoying his "second chance at life."
Meet Michelle
47-year-old Michelle spent more than 6 years living on the streets before she found the Off The Streets emergency shelter. While life will always be a challenge balancing her mental illness, hear why she is thankful today.
Meet Emily
As a teen, Emily was a rising basketball star and had dreams of going off to college. Her ties to the reservation, however, kept her in the family home and, as a result, she says, she felt “stuck.” For decades, she battled alcohol and drug addiction. After spending years homeless, she found Off The Streets. Click to hear why, today, she has hope.
Meet Damion
When Off The Streets met Damion, he believed the streets were a safer place than the trap house where he had been living. As a recovering addict, he realized living outside was easier than going down the same tired road that could lead him back to drug abuse. Listen to his story and find out why he called OTS his safe haven.